The prestigious Irish law firm Arthur Cox decided to consolidate their office facilities into one new location. This involved moving 660 staff from 3 locations on Earlsfort Terrace to their new build HQ at 10 Earlsfort Terrace on the corner of Earlsfort Terrace and Hatch Street, Dublin 2. In addition to the consolidated office move they were also looking for a complete building clearout of everything from the 3 original locations following the move. Cronin Movers Group were appointed to carry out the two projects.

This consolidated office move required careful project management with a highly professional moving service from the experienced team in Cronin Movers reporting directly into the Arthur Cox Project Team.
The move involved the relocation of personal effects, all meeting room furniture and some centralised functions. Also, as part of the move, we packed and relocated their reference library under the supervision of their chief librarian.
In the 2 week period following the move we cleared out all furniture, equipment, and miscellaneous items leaving the building ready to be handed back to the landlord.

In order to minimise disruption to the business the three offices were complete moved over the St Patrick’s weekend. As a result, the Arthur Cox staff were fully operational in their new premises on the Tuesday following the Bank Holiday weekend. Another seamless office move from the Cronin Movers team.