The Specialist Logistics team were engaged to support their client with the technical logistics of moving decommissioned laden server racks from Data Centres to a nominated secure storage facility.

The growth in cloud based computing and storage has led to increased demand for Data Centres globally. Due to the high service level agreements that the data centre industry offers they implement a rolling technology refresh programme and as a result data server racks are regularly replaced. Naturally, these servers need to be securely decommissioned and removed from the data centre to enable new server racks to be installed.
Our client required our team to undertake 8-man moves of decommissioned server racks from the communications room in the Data Centre to a warehouse facility and to undertake 4-man moves when collecting and delivering the decommissioned server racks from warehouse to warehouse.

The Cronin teams work starts with a site survey and risk assessment to develop a Risk and Method Statement (RAMS). Each morning before the job starts, a toolbox talk is carried out by the Team Leader to fully brief the team on the work schedule, check all documentation is in place, check PPE, verify equipment and cover the security, health and safety protocols and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be followed.
At the Data Centre the team ensured that the SOP and strict security protocols are followed on the movement of server racks between designated zones in the building to the awaiting trailer. When all the server racks are safely and securely loaded and tied off, they are transported to the designated warehouse location where they are carefully unloaded.
Our team was fully compliant in completing this highly specialised work to the required SOP, security protocols and Health and Safety requirements.